Resources for teachers

Australian teachers strive to create engaging and purposeful classrooms to meet the needs of their students. Embedding inclusive teaching practices that supports all students with disability ensures you are adhering to the Disability Standards for Education (DSE) 2005.

DSE resources for teachers provide effective strategies with respect to determining and making reasonable adjustments, differentiation and inclusive teaching practices to support full participation of students with disability.

disability standards for education

Teacher Standards elaborations

Using Teacher Standard 1.6: Strategies to support full participation of students with disability at the Proficient career stage, this resource contains elaboration statements explaining specific adjustments with ‘examples in practice’ information for teachers and leaders to understand their roles and responsibilities under the DSE.

DSE In the Classroom

AITSL’s DSE In the Classroom video series helps visualise the obligations of the DSE through the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers with access to discussion questions and supplementary resources to facilitate professional learning opportunities. Each series includes:

  • Full lesson footage showcasing teachers in action; aligned to Teacher Standard Focus Areas
  • Teacher audio commentary providing insights into lesson planning and implementation
  • Interviews with teachers and leaders discussing how they support students with disability in their school context
focus areas: 1.5, 1.6, 3.5

Reasonable adjustments

Watch how Sarah provides an inclusive classroom setting, with the assistance of teacher aides in implementing reasonable adjustments to support the specific learning needs of students with disability.
focus areas: 1.1, 1.6, 7.3

Transition for students with disability

Watch how learning diversity leaders and classroom teachers share experiences and reasonable adjustment strategies to support the student transition from primary to secondary school.
In The Classroom - Lesson Card - Springside
FOCUS AREAS: 1.5, 1.6, 4.1

Inclusive teaching practices

Watch how Claudia uses a range of inclusive teaching practices to support the participation and learning of a student with disability.

Illustration of Practice

In this secondary school setting, the classroom teacher describes their inclusive education approach to ensure planning of lesson activities takes into consideration the needs of students with disability. The teacher also highlights the benefits of professional learning communities to ask questions, seek advice and implement learnings to differentiate teaching instruction in accordance to personalised learning plans for students with disability.

DSE resources for leaders

Do you also have a leadership role in your school?