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A pre-service teacher at Darwin High school reflects on a number of the processes that she used to make her 'practicum' at the school personally and professionally fulfilling. She found classroom observation useful because it offered valuable models of how teachers managed classrooms. In the practicum she maintained a journal that she used to reflect on her teaching progress. She also used a range of opportunities to gain and act on written and verbal feedback from her supervisor. She acknowledges the importance for pre-service teachers of asking for help, acknowledging weaknesses and gaining feedback from mentors.
Darwin High School is one of only two government schools in Darwin that cater purely for senior students at years 10–12. The school is relatively large in comparison with other Territory schools. The school is a teaching school with a relationship with Charles Darwin University. The pre-service teacher began her practicum in the second term of the school year, and at the end of her teaching round reflects on the qualities that made the practicum a successful one for her.
  • What areas of your teaching practice would you most like to improve?
  • What steps could you take to systematically improve these areas?
  • Who would you trust to give you fair and constructive feedback on your teaching practices?
4 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - A pre-service journey


Gender stereotyping - Task outline


Pre-service teacher reflection


Gender stereotyping - Research template