Join our implementation trial to foster cultural responsiveness in schools

Implementation Trial of AITSL's Indigenous Cultural Responsiveness Self-Reflection Tool - Expression of Interest

We would like to invite Australian schools to participate in an upcoming implementation trial, with the aim of creating positive change in the educational landscape. This trial will focus on evaluating the impact of AITSL's soon to be relaunched Indigenous cultural responsiveness self-reflection tool on teacher attitudes, values, and beliefs about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and living cultures - to ultimately improve understanding for all students. Your personal commitment will be less than two hours but will provide valuable information for the education community.  

The objectives of the implementation trial are threefold:

1. Assess the tool's functionality and usefulness: We aim to understand how effective and user-friendly the Indigenous cultural responsiveness self-reflection tool is for both teachers and school leaders.
2. Assess the effectiveness of the tool: We will examine the tool's efficacy in transforming participants' thoughts and beliefs, ultimately promoting a more inclusive and culturally responsive educational environment.
3. Identify barriers and enablers: By identifying any potential challenges or factors that facilitate the tool's use, we can refine it for broader application in the future.

The trial will run in 2024. School teams will participate in a short, school-led information session, use the tool, and offer feedback through a 15-minute survey and optional focus groups for leaders. 

To express your school's interest in the trial, please fill out the form below. Please note that school participation in this trial requires permission at the principal level.

We look forward to your collaboration and the positive impact we can collectively make in shaping the future of education in Australia.