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Stakeholder survey results 2019 infographic AITSL’s 2019 stakeholder survey garnered 5,561 responses across all states and territories. Close to four in five respondents were school leaders or teachers while fewer than one in ten were from education sector organisations. 4% of respondents were pre-service teachers and 3% were from initial teacher education providers. Two thirds of respondents were from a major city. Of the stakeholders that worked in a school, two thirds worked in a government school while fewer than one in five worked in an independent school. A similar proportion, 16%, worked in a Catholic school. Almost half worked in a primary school and one third worked in a secondary school. 86% of stakeholders were very or fairly familiar with AITSL. Awareness was broadly consistent across all states and territories. It was highest in Western Australia at 91% and lowest in New South Wales at 83%. The most common way for stakeholders to engage with AITSL over the past 12 months was through the website, with 91% engaging this way. Almost four-in-five stakeholders had used AITSL tools or resources and approximately three quarters had read AITSL mail. More than a quarter of stakeholders had engaged with AITSL via social media. Facebook was the most popular choice, with 66% of those who had used social media to engage indicating they had used this platform. Almost all stakeholders, 97%, were aware of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Approximately three quarters were aware of Graduate to Proficient: Australian Guidelines for Teacher Induction into the Profession, the Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework, and the Certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers in Australia. Stakeholders rated AITSL’s school leader-specific tools and resources 7.6 out of 10 and teacher-specific tools and resources 7.5 out of 10. Who are our stakeholders? Awareness of AITSL Engagement with AITSL Effectiveness of AITSL Effectiveness of AITSL Pre-service teachers, school leaders and stakeholders from education sector organisations felt most satisfied with AITSL’s provision of national leadership for teachers and school leaders. View: Australian Professional Standards for Teachers View: Graduate to Proficient – Australian guidelines for teacher induction into the profession View: Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework View: Certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers in Australia Awareness of AITSL’s policies and standards was strong amongst stakeholders Australian Professional Standards for Teachers 97% of stakeholders were aware of the AITSL’s tools and resources were rated highly by stakeholders School leader-specific tools and resources Teacher-specific tools and resources Who are our stakeholders? ‘Stakeholders’ refers to stakeholders who responded to the survey 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Awareness ofother policies and standards was also high 73% 75% 73% Engagement with AITSL In the last 12 months, AITSL’s stakeholders engaged in various ways 91% visited the website 79%used AITSL tools or resources 76%read AITSL Mail 27% More than a quarter of stakeholders had engaged with AITSL via social media Stakeholders were likely to engage with AITSL in the next 12 months 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 66% Facebook 38% Twitter 22% LinkedIn 20% YouTube Awareness of AITSL was also high across different locations 87% 86% 91% City Regional Remote 91%NT 91%WA 89%SA 89%VIC 83%NSW 85%QLD 85%ACT 89%TAS 91%NT 91%WA 89%SA 89%VIC 83%NSW 85%QLD 85%ACT 89%TAS Awareness of AITSL was broadly consistent across all states and territories 97% School leaders 93% School teachers 84% 77% 76% Higher Education providers Pre-service teachers Early childhood teachers Awareness of AITSL of stakeholders were very or fairly familiar with AITSL 86% 76% of stakeholders work in a school School sector School stage Where do our stakeholders live? 16% Catholic school 2% Multiple sectors Independent school 17% 66% Government school 17% Combined school 2% Special school 46% Primary school 33% Secondary school 66% City 31% Regional 3% Remote 8% 4% 3% Pre-service teachers Various education organisations Initial teacher education providers School leaders and teachers 2%NT 14%WA 9%SA 17%VIC 27%NSW 23%QLD 3%TAS 3%ACT 79% 5,561 stakeholders responded to the survey 34% Experienced teachers19% Middle-career teachers14% School leaders10% Early career teachers 2% Early childhood teachers
Effectiveness of AITSL Pre-service teachers, school leaders and stakeholders from education sector organisations felt most satisfied with AITSL’s provision of national leadership for teachers and school leaders. of stakeholders were aware of the strong 7.6 10 7.2 10 AITSL’s tools and resources were rated highly by stakeholders School leader-specific tools and resources Teacher-specific tools and resources Australian Professional Standards for Teachers Engagement with AITSL In the last 12 months, AITSL’s stakeholders had engaged in various ways 91% More than a quarter of stakeholders had engaged with AITSL via social media Stakeholders were likely to engage with AITSL in the next 12 months 7.3 10 visited the website used AITSL tools or resources 79% 76% read AITSL Mail 27% 97% Awareness of AITSL was also high across different locations 87% 86% 91% City Regional Remote 91%NT 91%WA 89%SA 89%VIC 83%NSW 85%QLD 85%ACT 89%TAS 91%NT 91%WA 89%SA 89%VIC 83%NSW 85%QLD 85%ACT 89%TAS Awareness of AITSL was broadly consistent across all states and territories Awareness of AITSL 66% City 31% Regional 3% Remote of stakeholders work in a school 76% 86% of stakeholders were very or fairly familiar with AITSL Where do our stakeholders live? 8% 4% 3% Pre-service teachers 79% 5,561 School leaders and teachers Various education organisations Initial teacher education providers ‘Stakeholders’ refers to stakeholders who responded to the survey Who are our stakeholders? stakeholders responded to the survey