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Tammy Anderson, DP, Aboriginal Education and Peta Grae, AP meet with the Aboriginal Community Liaison Officer and Indigenous parents in a Yarn Meeting to discuss upcoming events and supports for the  Indigenous parent community and their children. Discussion includes planning for a parent excursion to a site of cultural significance, a computer course for parents and the establishment of a homework centre.
The school is a co-educational primary school in a low socio-economic community in the outer south western suburbs of Sydney. All students live in social housing. Many students come from single parent families and unemployment is high. Approximately 26% of children are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and 17% are Pacific Islander. Other cultural groups are also represented. John Warby Public School provides many supports for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community including a cultural room for their use, strong links with Housing and Health, the local TAFE, an Indigenous student mentoring program and an  Indigenous  choir, dance and music group.
  • How is your school working to meet the differing needs of your parent community?
  • How does your school seek to involve parents/carers as partners in their children’s education?
  • In what ways does your school seek to be part of your community?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Yarn meeting