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The teacher uses her knowledge of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers to discuss professional learning needs and opportunities with a graduate and proficient teacher in the same faculty. She works with them to plan professional learning to assist their development and guide their understanding of how their learning will impact on school priorities as well as their own classes.
The school is in a low SES area in the Adelaide metropolitan area. It acknowledges that staff in schools change and therefore a well documented curriculum learning program needs to be in place to support new teachers and ensure consistency throughout the school. The school recognises that the Standards are a vehicle to foster and improve professional dialogue and conversations about student learning and professional learning. Because of this the school provides opportunities for teachers to engage with the Standards.
  • How would you lead the development of professional learning policies and programs in your school?
  • How do you address the professional learning needs of colleagues and pre-service teachers at your site?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Using the Standards