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A primary school teacher works with a university teacher to develop digital curriculum resources that can be used by graduate teachers to teach within a teaching practicum. The resources the teachers have developed are designed to assist students to understand the concept of the 'particle model'. An element of the teaching strategy is to have the students use laptops and tablet computers to create their own animations. As an expert in information and communication technology (ICT), the teacher supports the students throughout process. An online space is set up so the students can collaborate in several environments, and student teachers are also encouraged to collaborate and support each other.
Golden Square Primary School, located in Bendigo, Victoria, is a government school with over 400 students. The school is partnered with La Trobe University and provides placements for pre-service teachers on their practicum. The school's partnership with La Trobe University extends into a program that is designed to enhance the teaching of science using ICT. This partnership involves university and school teachers working collaboratively to develop original and innovative digital curriculum resources that can be delivered by pre-service teachers within their practicum. 
  • How can you lead and support colleagues in the use of established and emerging ICT?
  • What initiatives can you drive to improve the practical application of science in the classroom?
  • What other teaching and learning resources could you lead the school in adopting?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Using ICT in Science