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A teacher, who is also the co-ordinator of individual learning, analyses student assessment data with two colleagues from her school's primary campus. Both formative and summative data from internal and external assessments is used to develop individual learning plans that can form the basis of information provided when students transition from one level to another. The teacher stresses the importance of gaining useful data about a student, even if it means that the data may indicate that the student is learning at a lower level. Her knowledge of a range of appropriate testing resources, and her ability to assist her colleagues in interpreting data, is used to develop the learning plans and to construct whole-school improvement strategies.
Dominic College is a Catholic, kindergarten to year 10, co-educational, independent school in Hobart. At the school, the responsibilities of the co-ordinator of individual learning extend across the school's primary and secondary campuses. Her role incorporates responding to individual teacher requests as well as initiating programs across the school that respond to needs such as those that she is able to identify in the school's NAPLAN results.
  • What information do you think should be included in an individual learning plan?
  • What kinds of student data do you use to identify interventions and to modify your teaching practice?
  • In what ways have you worked with colleagues to use student assessment data to improve teaching and learning?
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Offline package - Using assessment data