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Guidance materials for the 2020 update to Accreditation of initial teacher education programs in Australia: Standards and Procedures (Standards and Procedures), Program Standard 4.2 – Schedule 1

The update to Program Standard 4.2, Schedule 1, increases the time allocated to English and literacy within ITE programs and places an emphasis on evidence-based reading instruction approaches.

To assist with the new requirements, AITSL has developed the following guidance materials for ITE providers:

  • Sample programs/units which incorporate the new time allocations for English/literacy in primary ITE programs
  • An Evidence Guide which puts into context the need for high quality evidence in reading instruction
  • An Evidence Guide Map which maps out some important studies in relation to the elements of reading
  • A Research Evaluation Guide which will assist educators in choosing high quality pieces of evidence

These non-mandatory guidance materials are designed to assist ITE providers in the development of programs/units.

AITSL has also created an Accreditation Factsheet outlining the changes in the Standards and Procedures for ITE Accreditation Panellists.