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A Year 8 science teacher at St Mary's College explains how she utilises student-led inquiry to help students develop key scientific concepts and skills. She works closely with students to help them identify an area of personal interest and to develop a method for their scientific investigation. Drawing on previous learning, and with support from their teacher, the students independently undertake their investigation and prepare a presentation of their findings for a university science fair.  
St Mary’s College in Hobart was founded in 1868 and provides a K-12 education for girls (and K-2 for boys). The college has implemented the Australian Curriculum for science from Foundation to Year 10 and offers a wide variety of science subjects at the senior years including biology, chemistry and earth sciences. The college has established a Women in Science Centre and participates in a range of events including the University of Tasmania Science Fair to increase opportunities for students to engage in science.
  • What strategies can you use to connect learning to students' interests?
  • What are the benefits of, and opportunities for, students to share their work with the community?
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Offline package - Student-led science inquiry