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Here we observe a meeting led by a Learning Support Co-ordinator with teachers of students with identified disabilities. The aim of the meeting is to discuss the specific education needs of students, to interpret relevant specialist reports and, using information available, make adjustments to programs and Individual Learning Plans in the context of specialist knowledge and of current syllabus requirements within the mainstream classroom. Reference is made to the national Disability Standards for Education (2005) as well as to the school's disability policy, when planning adjustments to students learning
The school is a Transition to year 12 Anglican co-educational school. It has a Junior, Middle and Senior school located on one campus on the rural outskirts of the Sydney metropolitan area. The Learning Support Co-coordinator works with teachers and students across the school, with early intervention a priority in the Junior School. This meeting focuses on adjusting a Science and Social Studies program to meet the literacy and numeracy needs of a student with disabilities in these teachers' classes. Names of students referred to in this discussion have been changed to protect the identity of students.
  • In what ways do you ensure that curriculum content is accessible for all students?
  • How do you support your colleagues in developing teaching programs that ensure the participation needs of students with disability are met?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Specific education needs