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Here a graduate teacher aims to use a variety of digital tools and resources to engage students and enrich their experience in attempting to answer the question ‘Who are Indigenous Australians?’ The teacher explores how a range of digital tools and resources can be used to collaboratively build students’ knowledge of Indigenous cultures and histories in Australia and internationally. 
In Standard 3 in the Society and History curriculum, students can ‘investigate key developments in the history of Tasmania and Australia including the history of indigenous Australians, European and non-European exploration and British colonisation’. This learning sequence aimed to support this curriculum by incorporating an investigative and reflective approach to unpacking Indigenous culture of both past and present.
  • In what ways does the use of ICT provide new knowledge-building opportunities for students?
  • In what ways have you been able to utilise ICT to maximise learning opportunities for students?
2 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Sharing our Indigenous nation


Lesson sequence summary