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The teacher uses a ‘whole-part-whole’ teaching strategy in a year 3/4 mathematics lesson in which students are learning to add, subtract and divide whole numbers and parts of numbers. To support the learning, the teacher uses a software program in which students can apply the skills in a ‘real life’ situation. While most students are using an interactive learning object, the teacher works with an extension group who are learning about decimals. A teacher colleague supports the teacher in the classroom.
Located close to Lake Wendouree in Ballarat, Pleasant Street Primary School is a P–6 school, catering for approximately 350 students. At the school, teachers have the opportunity to collaborate within classes to investigate the suitability and usefulness of ICT resources to promote student engagement and to improve student learning. Depending on the results of the collaboration, the teacher/s can take the results of the investigation or trial to a meeting and report on the usefulness of the resource for other levels or purposes.
  • How have you used interactive learning objects or digital learning resources to support your students’ learning?
  • What opportunities are there within your school for team-teaching or for collaboration between teachers within classrooms?
  • What processes do you or your school use to evaluate new resources that may be suitable for student learning?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Selecting maths resources