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In a linguistically and culturally diverse preschool setting, a teacher builds on emerging student interests. The teacher trials a number of learning opportunities where students can observe phenomena and the properties of everyday materials and develop concepts about the relationships of volume/sound/pitch. Through observation, she develops an understanding of the importance of responding to the stage of development of individual students. With an educational leader from her local government area she discusses how she might further develop her teaching skills. She outlines the value of to her own professional development of informal conversations with colleagues, independent research and professional learning with peers across the area.
Atherton Gardens Preschool is located in the City of Yarra in inner-suburban Melbourne. At the preschool, the teacher who graduated from her course in the previous year teaches a part-time program for four-year-olds in a prior-to-school setting. The preschool is linked to other preschools and kindergartens in the local government area. In addition to gaining professional support from her colleagues, the teacher is able to gain support from a local government appointed educational leader, and to access professional learning opportunities provided for preschools and kindergartens.
  • Reflecting on a lesson that didn’t achieve what you planned, what changes might you make to ensure it is more successful next time?
  • What can you learn from colleagues about teaching and learning strategies that could be used in your class/es?
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Offline package - Reflections on teaching and learning