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This teacher facilitates a lesson where students participate in a robotics lesson. The students are encouraged to solve problems by using data. They record their results in Google Docs which allows them to interrogate the results collaboratively and to further their understandings. The teacher encourages his year 5 and 6 students to look at mathematics in real life circumstances.
Wooranna Park Primary School is located in a low socio-economic area of Melbourne. The school places an emphasis on students accepting responsibility for their learning. Opportunities are provided for students to pursue personal learning passions and to negotiate the curriculum. The school is strongly influenced by the philosophical thinking underpinning the Reggio Emilia Schools of Northern Italy and the work of Professor George Betts on autonomous learning.
  • In what ways can teachers more fully link learning to non-school contexts?
  • What practical examples, drawn from real life, do you use in your teaching?
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in this resource pack


Offline package - Problem-solving skills with robotics