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At the beginning of the year, the teacher establishes a consistent behaviour management approach, linked to the shared school values. These values are explored and given meaning via creative group activities in the pastoral care program she facilitates at the school. The teacher works with the philosophy that when students are engaged in their learning, behavioural problems are less likely to arise.
The school is the only government middle school in Alice Springs, with approximately 300 students in years 7–9. The teacher explains that students come from a wide variety of cultural and social backgrounds with 73 per cent of students from an Indigenous background. A high proportion of students have a language background other than English. Underpinning the behaviour management program at the school is an awareness of the need for active supervision in the classroom, recognition of the need for community engagement and understanding, and the need to build student self-esteem.
  • What strategies do you adopt to ensure that students are engaged in their learning?
  • How might routines and expectations need to be adapted to take account of the physical, social and intellectual development of students?