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A teacher describes how she has adapted to a very different learning environment, following her transfer to Wooranna Park Primary School. The philosophy underpinning the teaching and learning program at her new school has had implications for how she plans her lessons, delivers the curriculum, and works with her colleagues.  Because the year 3 teachers teach collaboratively, there needs to be a shared, yet flexible understanding of how lessons will meet individuals' and groups' needs, as well as fulfilling curriculum requirements. She describes the purpose of an autonomous, self-directed learning session – Learning Agreement Time – and how she can assist students in the learning process.
Wooranna Park Primary School emphasises students accepting responsibility for their learning, along with learning through collaboration with their peers. Opportunities are provided for students to pursue personal learning passions and negotiate the curriculum. The school is strongly influenced by the philosophical thinking underpinning the Reggio Emilia Schools of Northern Italy and the work of Professor George Betts, on autonomous learners. The school has adopted an interdisciplinary, research based approach, to the development of curriculum, with an emphasis on deep and authentic learning experiences. All teachers work collaboratively in team teaching units.
  • How can you work with other staff to create a more collaborative teaching environment?
  • How could collaborative teaching help you to better meet the needs of students?
  • How could autonomous learning be adopted in your classroom?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Planning for students’ needs