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He describes the various ICT programs used to increase student skills in computer programming that prepare them for real-life occupations involving construction and design. Programming language allows the teacher to get students to think critically and problem-solve. The teacher provides his students with opportunities to demonstrate their learning in unique, varied and exciting ways.
Wooranna Park Primary School is located in a low socio-economic area of Melbourne. The school places a strong emphasis on students accepting responsibility for their learning. Opportunities are provided for students to pursue personal learning passions and negotiate the curriculum. The school is strongly influenced by the philosophical thinking underpinning the Reggio Emilia Schools of Northern Italy and the work of Professor George Betts on autonomous learning.
  • What educational benefits might peer coaching bring to your students?
  • What positive learning models, such as peer coaching, has your school developed as a whole school focus?
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Offline package - Peer teaching computer programming