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This document describes the roles and responsibilities of the key groups that share responsibility for the professional experience component of initial teacher education programs, which include: ƒ

  • professional experience sites ƒ
  • supervising teachers ƒ
  • pre-service teachers ƒ
  • providers of initial teacher education
  • education systems.
Professional experience is the component of an initial teacher education program in which pre-service teachers develop and demonstrate their skills in the classroom. Its purpose is to provide structured opportunities for pre-service teachers to consider and undertake in practice the work of teaching, to relate the practice to knowledge and understanding they are developing in their program, and to demonstrate a positive impact on student learning. It is above all else a period of workplace-based learning. The Action Now: Classroom Ready Teachers report and Australian Government response to this report, identify strengthened professional experience as one of the keys to improve teacher education in Australia.