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In a grade 6 mathematics class a teacher plans for, delivers and reflects on a lesson focusing on Number and Algebra. In planning the lesson, she articulates a preference for using open-ended problem-solving activities and resources that can cater for a range of abilities. In designing activities, and in selecting resources, she anticipates how particular students will engage with these as learners. During the activity, students work at their own pace, transforming simple numbers into palindromic numbers. The lesson is structured to allow for whole class instruction, peer discussion and individual learning.
Located close to Lake Wendouree in Ballarat, Pleasant Street Primary School is a P–6 school, catering for approximately 350 students. The grade 6 teacher at the school has a class comprised of students with a diverse range of mathematical abilities. In planning a lesson for the class, she articulates a preference for the use of open-ended questioning and problem-solving activities to meet these needs, rather than developing separate resources for individuals and groups. The particular lesson within the illustration will be followed by a lesson where students use notebook computers to individually explore number patterns.
  • How do you currently cater for a diverse range of abilities in your class?
  • What kinds of questioning techniques can teachers use to support effective teaching and learning?
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