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Here the e-Learning coordinator at Albert Park College explains how the school’s online curriculum is developed and supported to facilitate high quality teaching and learning. The teacher explains how their planned use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) allows her colleagues to deliver a guaranteed and agreed curriculum. All students have mobile one-to-one devices and this coupled with the online curriculum creates the opportunity to deliver a dynamic content which can be easily personalised to meet students’ different learning needs. A student from the school also explains how the ‘anywhere anytime’ access makes it easy to complete work.
Bridget is a Mathematics/Science teacher in a new government secondary college. In addition to her teaching role, she has been made responsible for her colleagues using ICT at a high-level to improve their teaching practice, and to make content more relevant and engaging. She achieves this by advising on the selection and development of ICT software and toolsets that are appropriate for teaching and learning. She also engages with teachers at both the planning and the evaluation level. She team-teaches in small projects until they develop confidence in their use of the technology.
  • What kinds of professional learning in ICT have you undertaken in the past?
  • To what extent do the school's ICT professional learning priorities match your own needs?
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Offline package - Online curriculum