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In the video, the graduate teacher is shown using iPads to teach an activity on number patterns. Each student in the class has previously been provided with an account by the teacher, which allows them to interact with the activity on the whiteboard. The teacher subsequently outlines her lesson preparation. This includes the selection and adaptation of the interactive mathematics resources that students used in completing the four activities.
At Our Lady of Mt Carmel Primary School, a graduate teacher, plans a mathematics lesson on number patterns. She sets up four learning activities to teach number patterns. As the students will be using iPads to complete the activity, she creates an account for each student before the lesson begins. The activities include 'dot to dot' number sequencing, dragging numbers onto a hundreds number board in sequences, an interactive 'dog and bone' game to test speed and strategy, and a counting game. The planned activities reinforce the four and nine times tables.
  • What role does ICT play in your current teaching practice?
  • How would you integrate ICTs into your future planning and teaching?
  • What support do you think you need to help you do this?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Number patterns