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The teacher of Rona Glynn Preschool acknowledges that previously a number of parents/carers had been uncertain about the school's processes and practices. Welcoming parents/carers into the Bush Preschool with the children has allowed the school and teachers to make these processes and practices transparent. It has also encouraged a dialogue between the school and its community, to the benefit of each. Ultimately the new dialogue has benefitted student learning and well-being.
Rona Glynn Preschool is part of the Ross Park Primary School complex in Alice Springs. It caters for children turning 4 by June 30th. Two groups attend preschool for 15 hours per week per group. Children attending the preschool are from a diverse range of cultural backgrounds. The Bush Preschool initiative is the first of its kind in the area, and is intended to benefit preschoolers' social and cognitive development.
  • What strategies have you adopted to improve communications with parents/carers of your students?
  • What opportunities are there for parents/carers to understand your school's teaching and learning approaches?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - New contexts for learning