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The teacher reflects on, and demonstrates the core elements of what she sees as the essential components of effective classroom management. These are filtered or adapted for the particular class year 12 class that is being taught. She believes that a teacher needs to develop personal characteristics that underpin effective teaching: being organised, the ability to relate to students, and problem solving. When these strengths are developed, a teacher can use verbal and non-verbal teaching teaching strategies and routines and consistency of practices to establish a productive learning environment.
Centralian Senior College is the largest senior secondary education provider in Alice Springs. The school was established in 2005 and has approximately 600 students in years 10, 11 and 12. As the teacher of a Food and Hospitality course at year 12, she understands the importance of establishing and maintaining clear guidelines and practices for her students. Students in her class have a range of skills. These extend from an understanding of the kitchen and basic skills to students with higher-order understanding and skills.
  • How do you monitor the amount of time in a class that student time is spent on learning tasks?
  • In what ways could you improve your verbal and or non-verbal teaching strategies?
  • What opportunities exist in your school for sharing a flexible range of classroom management strategies?
1 supporting file(s)

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Offline package - Modern Australian Dinner