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The leaders and teachers in this school describe hands-on and experiential approaches central to whole-school science teaching. Other strategies include the use of the Primary Connections science program from Foundation to Year 6, appointing a specialist science teacher for Years 5-6, as well as an ethnobiologist who provides expert advice on Indigenous flora and fauna. They discuss the valuable contributions of two Indigenous cultural leaders who offer traditional science perspectives to complement students’ science learning in classrooms.
MacFarlane Primary School is one of five primary schools located within Katherine, and one of six schools that form part of a wider system, based on geographical groupings, known as the Rivers Cluster. Cluster schools work collaboratively to establish local educational priorities relevant to their communities. The school has an ethnobiologist who visits the school regularly to enhance the teaching of science.
  • How might a 'hands on', experiential approach provide pathways into science content and concepts for different students in your school?
  • What could you do to lead, evaluate and renew science teaching programs and strategies in your school?
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Offline package - Leading science at MacFarlane Primary School