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The teacher, who is also the Director of Professional Learning, meets with a group of colleagues to discuss the redevelopment of the school’s existing peer and classroom observational tool. The needs for the revision have become apparent due to the increased number of teachers seeking accreditation. The teacher also explains to the working party that the existing tool needs to be aligned with the new National Professional Standards for Teachers. In outlining the benefits of a review of the tool, the teacher articulates the value of teacher standards that are clearly linked to educational outcomes for students.
Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College is an all girls Independent Catholic school located in North Sydney. The school has about 1100 students from year 7–12. This teacher has initiated the establishment of collaborative professional learning groups within the school that provide teachers with leadership and mentoring opportunities to drive professional learning initiatives. The teachers involved in this discussion have a particular interest in developing a classroom observation tool that will aid in the improvement of teaching and learning across the school. This group will pilot the use of the instrument within their own classes and then mentor others once the tool has undergone a trial and review process including feedback from staff. The school ultimately would like to create a system whereby teachers drive the review process of their peers and thereby embed this as a normal part of the teaching and learning culture.
  • What strategies do you lead to support professional learning opportunities for colleagues that focus on improving educational outcomes of students?
  • What initiatives could you implement within your school or professional network to stimulate and support professional dialogue amongst colleagues?
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Offline package - Leading professional learning