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There are a number of initiatives that have been implemented at Parkes High School to foster the engagement of students in mathematics and to improve their knowledge of the content. These include mentoring for mathematics teachers, encouraging the involvement of community experts in mathematics and using technology to allow students in remote locations to contribute to the mathematics program. The program aims to provide pathways in mathematics that are appropriate for all students.
Parkes High School is located in western New South Wales and has an enrolment of approximately 700 students. A significant number of students commute by bus from smaller rural communities into Parkes. The school maintains a strong academic emphasis whilst catering for students who may pursue alternative pathways.
  • What strategies could you introduce to cater for all students in your class?
  • Do the programs at your school endeavour to personalise the learning for all?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Leading mathematics in a rural location