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A teacher, who is also the co-ordinator of individual learning, analyses student assessment data with a colleague from the school's primary campus. The analysis of the school's NAPLAN data indicates that there are opportunities to improve student literacy standards in the area of persuasive writing. Together, they explore a range of whole-school strategies whereby learning achievement standards can be improved through teaching and learning. These strategies include the use of consistent approaches to assessment.
Dominic College is a Catholic, kindergarten to year 10, co-educational, independent school in Hobart. At the school, the responsibilities of the co-ordinator of individual learning extend across the school's primary and secondary campuses. Her role incorporates responding to individual teacher requests as well as initiating programs across the school that respond to needs such as those which she has identified in the school's NAPLAN results.
  • How have you used student assessment data to improve your own or your colleagues teaching and learning?
  • What resources would you use to support colleagues in evaluating the effectiveness of their approaches to assessment?
1 supporting file(s)

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Offline package - Improved literacy outcomes