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Here the teacher describes how she improves teaching and learning practices across learning areas through the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Rather than work with all teachers individually the teacher develops the ICT skills of curriculum leaders so they are empowered to teach others in the school. The teachers receiving support emphasise the importance of scaffolding their knowledge of how to use ICT effectively. They reflect on this model of support as one that encourages teachers to deliver a curriculum that is focused on student engagement.
Bridget is a Mathematics teacher in a new government secondary college. In addition to her teaching role, she is responsible for ensuring colleagues’ use ICT to improve their teaching practice, and to make content more relevant and engaging. She achieves this by advising on the selection and development of ICT software and toolsets that are appropriate for teaching and learning. She also engages with teachers at both the planning and at the evaluation stages. She team-teaches with teachers in small projects until they develop confidence in their use of the technology.
  • What teaching strategies do you use to integrate ICT into teaching and learning programs?
  • How does the use of ICT help to make the content meaningful to students?
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Offline packages - ICT for learning