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Here the teacher offers positive feedback to a colleague, who has delivered a presentation to the leadership team. She praises the teacher’s approach to student ownership of their learning. She highlights aspects of the presentation that she feels strongly appealed to the leadership team, particularly those aspects that focus on student independence.
Wooranna Park Primary School, in Melbourne’s outer suburbs, has a long history of collegial professional learning based on the principles of Reggio Emilia. In practical terms this includes teachers teaching in teams and sharing clear complementary roles and responsibilities for the students’ learning. All teachers are actively involved in mutual learning. This begins at the pre-service teacher stage. Pre-service teachers are offered places as interns and are treated as members of staff, expected to learn from and contribute to a dynamic professional learning culture.
  • What strategies do you use to encourage proficient or graduate teachers to take a more active role in developing the learning direction of your school?
  • What kinds of feedback can you provide to help proficient and graduate teachers improve their practice?
  • In what areas can you elicit important and helpful ideas from proficient and graduate teachers?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Giving Feedback on a Presentation