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Here an expert literacy practitioner works with Year 1 and 2 students at Wyndham Park Primary School. Here, she models for a number of teachers some teaching strategies to assist students distinguish between different kinds of texts. These include whole class and small group work and the selection of resources that will challenge students' assumptions and support deep thinking.
At Wyndham Park Primary School, the Principal and leadership team support high quality professional learning opportunities for colleagues. One strategy involves expert mentoring to improve student learning in literacy. Classroom teachers are given the opportunity to observe the mentor working in a classroom environment. The school was established in 2011. Its over 300 students are drawn from diverse socio-economic and cultural backgrounds.
  • What are the benefits of learning from an expert mentor?
  • How does expert mentoring lead to improvements in student learning?
  • What aspects of your teaching would benefit from expert mentoring?
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