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The teacher leads an initiative within her school which links theoretical knowledge with practical skills and provides real world experience for her students. She has evaluated her teaching strategies and resources to cater for a range of ability levels, and shared this knowledge with teachers both within the school and at a state level. The teacher demonstrates exemplary teaching of her subject by providing tasks that synthesise the knowledge, understanding and skills required to be successful in the learning area.
The subject being studied is Food and Hospitality. The students in the include both boys and girls and include students with special needs. The teacher structures lessons to encompass practical work and research-based learning which involves a high mastery of literacy, numeracy and information and communication technology (ICT) skills. 
  • How do you demonstrate exemplary teaching of subjects using effective research-based learning?
  • What initiatives do you lead within your school that focus on your knowledge of the content within your curriculum area?
  • How do you evaluate and improve knowledge of this content and improve teaching strategies?
1 supporting file(s)

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Farmers' market