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The teacher articulates and demonstrates how it is important to establish consistent classroom routines and practices for primary school students. These routines, she contends, are applicable across the entire day and within any given lesson. At the beginning of the year, the teacher recognised the importance of establishing with her students classroom expectations linked to identifiable behaviours that could be positively reinforced through praise and interventions. These interventions can be identified within her normal teaching practices.
The teacher identifies herself as an experienced educator with 11 years teaching experience, following a number of years working in industry. In her school in Melbourne, she teaches a year 5/6 composite class, with 16 grade 6 and 11 grade 5 students. Within the class, one student is on the autism spectrum while a number of students have auditory issues. Most students in the class are working at or above their curriculum level.
  • What steps or procedures do you adopt to ensure that student time is spent on learning tasks?
  • What professional support or mentoring can you identify that could improve or refine your classroom management techniques?
  • How might orderly and workable routines need to be adapted to take account of the physical, social and intellectual development of students?