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The teacher draws upon her postgraduate research into student engagement in mathematics to develop innovative ways to support students in their learning. She encourages teamwork and the use of various resources to aid their thinking and learning. By helping students think about mathematics in ways that move beyond a simple 'right or wrong' dichotomy, she allows them to feel more comfortable and free to express their thoughts and opinions in the classroom.
Wooranna Park Primary School, in Melbourne’s outer suburbs, has a long history of collegial professional learning based on the principles of Reggio Emilia. In practical terms this includes teachers teaching in teams and sharing clear complementary roles and responsibilities for the students' learning. At the school, the teacher has a specialist role, working with colleagues and students to develop innovative and creative mathematics programs that increase motivation and engagement in students.
  • What research do you draw on to model effective practice to colleagues?
  • How can you assist students to feel more comfortable about, and confident with, a subject in which they lack confidence?
  • What kinds of group learning activities do you model for colleagues and how do these support learning?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Engaging a Maths Class