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This teacher works closely with other staff to link mathematics learning to students’ experiences. He encourages a collaborative, inquiry-based approach to teaching mathematics, modelling the use of questioning to encourage the use of problem solving with other staff and students. An activity that allows for mathematical investigation, is facilitated by a parent who has an engineering background. The parent visits the school to teach students how to design and construct see-saws using Lego.
Wooranna Park Primary School places an emphasis on students accepting responsibility for their learning. Opportunities are provided for students to pursue personal learning passions and negotiate the curriculum. The school is strongly influenced by the philosophical thinking underpinning the Reggio Emilia Schools of Northern Italy and the work of Professor George Betts on autonomous learning.
  • In what ways do you encourage the use of subject specific language in your teaching?
  • How could your school incorporate community expertise in particular areas of the curriculum?
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Offline package - Embedding mathematics in everything