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The teacher explores the benefits of working in an open classroom environment where teachers can see each other using new technologies to engage students in learning. In his case, this has led to teacher collaboration and the sharing of ideas and techniques. In the illustration, the teacher describes in detail one piece of dynamic geometry software that he uses in his mathematics class. The software enables him to focus on higher level concepts rather than on standard mathematical processes. He contends that the learning environment and his use of hardware and software for teaching have led to greater student engagement
Established in 2011, Gungahlin College is a senior secondary school for years 10–12 in the ACT. It has over 800 students studying traditional and vocational studies. The school was designed and purpose built to incorporate extensive use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in a wireless networking environment. The school has a number of teachers who range in experience from beginning teachers to those who are highly experienced.
  • How do you select ICT resources to demonstrate the application of key concepts?
  • Where could you introduce digital learning resources to promote the learning of, and engagement with, the key concepts in your learning area?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Dynamic geometry software