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The teacher guides the class to develop their English language proficiency through a Dictogloss activity that involves listening, talking together, writing and reading back. The teacher directly scaffolds students’ learning through explicit explanation of the task, reading of a model, facilitating oral reconstruction, providing requested vocabulary and sentence structure, and helping students negotiate meaning.  The activity provides progressive layers of support, building students’ confidence to express themselves.
The multilingual students in this Year 8 class have been assessed as needing targeted support to develop their English proficiency and are working with an English specialist as an additional language/dialect (EAL/D) teacher.  The teacher has designed a program that provides cultural and English language content with a focus on accessing the mainstream curriculum and mastering the socio-linguistic demands of its assessment tasks. Here the unit of work is on folktales from around the world.
  • What can you do to give students confidence in their capacity to complete a written task, and to support them in that process?
  • In what ways can you scaffold students’ spoken and written text production?
  • In what ways can group work generate focused talk and collaborative text production among EAL/D students?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Dictogloss for EAL,D students