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Looking for ways to improve literacy outcomes in the local rural community, Glenda identified an opportunity for increased community engagement. In this Illustration, Glenda explains a training program that has been implemented with the local secondary school to engage secondary students in the kindergarten classroom. Glenda shares the guidance that is provided to the secondary students to enhance their work interaction with the children. The secondary students engage the young learners through reading and play to encourage a positive literacy experience.
Warracknabeal Memorial Kindergarten is situated in the Northern Wimmera, around four hours north-west of Melbourne. There are three staff, one early childhood teacher and two educators.The 4-5 year old program provides 15 hours of preschool education each week for every child, and the program structure is a free indoor/outdoor program with move-able snack and lunch routines.
  • How can you engage parents and community members to help promote an appreciation of literacy?
  • What is the benefit in providing guidance on children's learning to volunteers assisting in the classroom?
  • What resources and training do you provide to parents and carers that could increase their impact in supporting their children's learning?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Community partnerships to improve literacy