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The teacher led the creation and implementation of the Jump Start – New Student Induction Program, in collaboration with two colleagues. This resulted from an identified need to support the smooth transition of new students into the school. The goals of Jump Start include improving student well-being, attendance, retention and engagement through a program targeted at developing a shared understanding about school procedures and expectations and students’ rights and responsibilities. The teacher led the implementation and evaluation of this program at the middle years level, with student well-being data indicating success in achieving the program’s goals across all year levels, and suggested improvements to the program for the following year.

The teacher is a primary years practitioner, currently teaching a year 7 class at a school in the Northern Adelaide region. She designs engaging and intellectually challenging learning and teaching programs and leads colleagues in the development of integrated units of work based on rich tasks, thus immersing students in the variety of topics covered. She manages a year 7–8 transition program, which demonstrates her leadership of student wellbeing initiatives. She is also a member of the Parent Advisory Council, Governing Council and Planning and Review Team, and leads the involvement of the school in external programs such as the Tournament of the Minds and Wakakirri.

Parafield Gardens R-7 School
Parafield Gardens, SA

Stage of schooling: Primary
School type: Government
School location: Metropolitan