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The teacher, in collaboration with the school’s Humanities team, has developed a unit for colleagues, which incorporates the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to encourage research of an historical period. The assessment task involves the production of a podcast that demonstrates students’ development of both historical research and communication skills. A primary aim in the use of technology to present students’ learning is to appeal to those students who find written work challenging.
Students in the class come from a range of cultural backgrounds and are adept in and connected to the use of modern technology. The teacher is aware of the opportunities for structuring learning activities using such technology. In collaboration with the Humanities team, the teacher incorporates a podcast into the assessment to promote student engagement in presenting research and historical knowledge.
  • How do you plan to engage students at the lesson planning stage?
  • How does the use of technology facilitate catering to individual learning needs?
1 supporting file(s)

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Offline packages - Australia in the First World War