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Over a series of lessons with year 5 and 6 students, two graduate teachers use experiments and information and communication technology (ICT) to teach the students about the properties of solids, liquids and gases. Students are encouraged to demonstrate their knowledge of how particles behave by developing computer animations on laptops and tablet computers, that can then be incorporated into a movie. Following the lessons, the teachers discuss the positive aspects of ICT for teaching and learning.
Golden Square Primary School, located in Bendigo, Victoria, is a government school with over 400 students. The school has a partnership with La Trobe University to enhance the teaching of science using ICT. Students at Golden Square are immersed in technology throughout the school, with particular emphasis on 1:1 access in years 5 and 6. The graduate teachers are able to use a range of resources and technologies to support their students' learning in Science.
  • In what ways could your students demonstrate their content knowledge using ICT?
  • What practical activities could you incorporate into a lesson to make a theoretical concept more understandable?
  • How have you used external resources beyond your classroom to enhance your students’ knowledge and understanding?
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Offline package - Animating science