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The teacher runs an Afterschool Club twice a week which is funded by a local organisation. The club provides an environment for students from the local community to complete homework in an informal, supervised environment where they may not be able to do so at home. The teacher and her colleagues combine the students’ homework tasks with a guided reading session and an activity to encourage the students to continue attending the club. One of these activities is redeveloping the school’s rainforest area into a Reconciliation Garden using paints, new plants and Hands of Harmony featuring the students’ messages about the importance of Reconciliation.
The school is located on the Innawonga and East Guruma Lands in the mining town of Tom Price, around 1600km from Perth. Twenty per cent of the school’s 330 students are Aboriginal and the school has a transient and diverse student population due to the town’s mining industry.  Through the Afterschool Club, the teacher has established productive and positive relationships with students that allow for ongoing support through their school day.
  • How might club activities support particular cohorts of students to participate and achieve success?
  • What school activities could you initiate or be involved in that build positive and productive relationships with all students?
1 supporting file(s)

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Offline package - Afterschool club