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This teacher articulates how he employs a contextual approach to the teaching of science and uses a number of resources outside the school to enrich the students’ learning. Scientific method and inquiry are modelled in the primary school and are continued into secondary school. The students are encouraged to deliver presentations of their scientific investigations to large student forums such as school assemblies.
Ryan Catholic College was established in 1979 to serve the rapidly developing areas on the outskirts of Townsville and the corridor development of the Upper Ross area. The College was planned as a co-educational institution from its inception for children from Preschool to Year 12. The curriculum in Years 5 to 9 has been designed to expose students to a diverse range of disciplines that will enable them to explore where their talents and interests lie.
  • What experiences do you offer to students that provide meaningful reinforcement to apply recent learning to new contexts?
  • How do you develop teaching programs based on research about effective practice?
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Offline package - A contextual approach to science