Get expert advice on a teaching performance assessment

Recognising that TPAs can be complex, we've established services to help providers in the development, implementation and assessment of a TPA.

Formative advisors can provide advice to ITE providers on:

The design and delivery of TPAs within ITE programs

Implementation and monitoring of assessments to ensure the ongoing integrity of a TPA

Statistical data analysis including standard setting methodology and the development of scoring strategies

The assessment and establishment of a TPA's reliability and validity

Formative advisors

  • Dr Lenore Adie
  • Professor Tania Broadley
  • Dr Tedra Clark
  • Professor Julianne Moss
  • Dr Rebecca Spooner-Lane
  • Alfred Deakin Professor Christine Ure
  • Professor Claire Wyatt-Smith

Formative advice request form

To access a formative advisor, complete the online form below.

Select choices
Type of advice needed (more than one can be selected)

At what stage of development is your teaching performance assessment?

Operational principles

This document sets out the principles of operation for teaching performance assessment services provided by AITSL to support the development and implementation of teaching performance assessments in Australia.