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The teacher supports full participation of a student with physical and intellectual disabilities. She collaborates with teachers and School Services Officers (SSOs) across the school to ensure that everyone is working towards a common goal to improve the student’s learning, and discusses induction processes including the staff handbook with policy information. She ensures that the student has equitable access to the curriculum through the individualised Negotiated Education Plan (NEP) and ensures that the student’s needs are accommodated through the organisation of her classroom.
The school is in the Adelaide metropolitan area.  The mainstream year 6/7 class includes a student with physical and intellectual disabilities and the teacher in charge is an experienced special needs teacher.
  • What relevant policy and legislative requirements and codes of ethics are applicable for your situation when teaching students with disability?
  • What inclusive practices would you apply to ensure full participation for students in your classroom or school?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Supporting participation