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Explicit teaching, clear expectations and good feedback to students underpin this teacher's mathematics teaching. In focusing on learning for understanding he emphasises the need to engage different learners by teaching mathematics concepts in different ways. He also uses research and workplace knowledge to support colleagues develop teaching strategies that will more effectively engage all learners and lead to improved learning outcomes.
The school is a co-educational primary school in the southwestern Sydney region. Ninety-six per cent of students come from homes where English is an additional language or dialect, including some from refugee backgrounds. The student group speaks thirty-nine languages and community language programs are offered in Arabic, Vietnamese and Samoan. The School Plan has a strategy to improve teacher use of ICT for learning. Arising out of this strategy, the teacher has been provided with time to support other teachers in their classrooms use ICT to improve their teaching practice and to make content more engaging for students.
  • What strategies does your school have for mentoring teachers to use a range of technologies in their classrooms?
  • How do ICTs fit into your whole school plan?
  • How do you see ICTs contributing to developing your students’ literacy skills?
1 supporting file(s)

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