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This lesson aims to develop students’ understanding of the ways in which the media influences society’s values and people’s perceptions of their world. The teacher has structured a varied learning sequence to ensure students develop a deep understanding of core concepts by building on knowledge and understanding acquired previously and by relating content to the students’ own life experiences. Through the study of a number of media texts, students contribute actively to group discussions and compare and evaluate responses to ideas and issues.
Emmaus College is a co-educational Catholic school located in metropolitan Melbourne, with a separate year 9 campus, where students are encouraged to be self-motivated, reflective and competent learners. The English program prepares all students for effective and responsible participation in their society, taking account of moral, ethical and spiritual considerations. In her teaching, the teacher is able to draw upon her own background in South Africa to extend her students’ concepts and ‘realities’ within the study.
  • What teaching strategies can you use to ensure learning programs are engaging and relevant to a cohort of students?
  • How do you plan, structure and sequence learning programs to ensure that a deep understanding of core concepts is achieved?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Perceptions of reality