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Explicit teaching, clear expectations and good feedback to students underpin this teacher's mathematics teaching. In focusing on learning for understanding he emphasises the need to engage different learners by teaching mathematics concepts in different ways. He also uses research and workplace knowledge to support colleagues develop teaching strategies that will more effectively engage all learners and lead to improved learning outcomes.
Centralian Senior College is the largest senior secondary education provider in Alice Springs. The school was established in 2005 and has approximately 600 students in years 10, 11 and 12. Andrew Lloyd, who has been teaching at the college for ten years, is an assistant principal as well as a mathematics teacher.
  • To what extent has educational research influenced your teaching practice?
  • What teaching strategies are used in your school to promote critical and creative thinking?
  • What steps would you take to implement new approaches to teaching and learning among a group of teachers in your school?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Interest and application