• Step: Graduate teachers

    Graduate teachers have completed a qualification that meets the requirements of a nationally accredited program of initial teacher education.

    The award of this qualification means that they have met the Graduate Standards. They demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the implications for learning of students' physical, cultural, social, linguistic and intellectual characteristics. They understand principles of inclusion and strategies for differentiating teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities.

    Graduate teachers have an understanding of their subject/s, curriculum content and teaching strategies. They are able to design lessons that meet the requirements of curriculum, assessment and reporting. They demonstrate the capacity to interpret student assessment data to evaluate student learning and modify teaching practice. They know how to select and apply timely and appropriate types of feedback to improve students' learning.

    Graduate teachers demonstrate knowledge of practical strategies for creating rapport with students and managing student behaviour. They know how to support students' wellbeing and safety, working within school and system curriculum and legislative requirements.

    They understand the importance of working ethically, collaborating with colleagues, external professional and community representatives, and contributing to the life of the school. Teachers understand strategies for working effectively, sensitively and confidentially with parents/carers and recognise their role in their children's education.

  • Step: Proficient teachers

    As a proficient teacher, you will have met the requirements for full registration through demonstrating achievement of the seven Standards at this level.

    You can create effective teaching and learning experiences for students. You know the unique backgrounds of students and adjust your teaching to meet their individual needs and diverse cultural, social and linguistic characteristics. You develop safe, positive and productive learning environments where all students are encouraged to participate.

    You design and implement engaging teaching programs that meet curriculum, assessment and reporting requirements. You use feedback and assessment to analyse and support your students' knowledge and understanding. You use a range of sources, including student results, to evaluate your teaching and to adjust your programs to better meet student needs.

    You are an active participant in your profession and, with advice from colleagues, identify, plan and evaluate your own professional learning needs.

    You are also a team member. You work collaboratively with colleagues, and seek out and are responsive to advice about educational issues affecting their teaching practice. You communicate effectively with your students, colleagues, parents/carers and community members. You behave professionally and ethically in all forums.

  • Step: Highly accomplished teachers

    As a highly accomplished teacher, you are a highly effective and skilled classroom practitioner, and routinely work independently and collaboratively to improve your practice and the practice of colleagues.

    You contribute to your colleagues' learning and may also take on roles that guide, advise or lead others, including colleagues and pre-service teachers.

    You maximise learning opportunities for your students by understanding their backgrounds and diverse individual characteristics and the impact of those factors on their learning.

    You have in-depth knowledge of your subjects and curriculum content. You work with colleagues to plan, evaluate and modify teaching programs to improve student learning and keep abreast of the latest developments in your specialist content area or across a range of content areas for generalist teachers.

    Your interpersonal and presentation skills are highly developed and you communicate effectively and respectfully with students, colleagues, parents/carers and community members.

  • Step: Lead teachers

    Lead teachers are recognised and respected by colleagues, parents/carers and community members as exemplary teachers.

    They have demonstrated consistent and innovative teaching practice over time. Inside and outside the school they initiate and lead activities that focus on improving educational opportunities for all students. They establish inclusive learning environments, meeting the needs of students from different linguistic, cultural, religious and socio-economic backgrounds. They continue to seek ways to improve their own practice and to share their experience with colleagues.

    They are skilled in mentoring teachers and pre-service teachers, using activities that develop knowledge, practice and professional engagement in others. They promote creative, innovative thinking among colleagues.

    They apply skills and in-depth knowledge and understanding to deliver effective lessons and learning opportunities and share this information with colleagues and pre-service teachers. They describe the relationship between highly effective teaching and learning in ways that inspire colleagues to improve their own professional practice.

    They lead processes to improve student performance by evaluating and revising programs, analysing student assessment data and taking account of feedback from parents/carers. This is combined with a synthesis of current research on effective teaching and learning.

    They represent the school and the teaching profession in the community. They are professional, ethical and respected individuals within and outside the school.

Need to know more?

For a comprehensive overview of what's expected from you at each career stage, take a look at the Standards.