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Supervising Preservice Teachers is an interactive and self-directed online professional learning program aimed at enhancing teachers' knowledge, skills and confidence to effectively supervise preservice teachers.

The program is relevant to teachers who are supervising a preservice teacher or thinking about a supervisory role. It may also be useful for school leaders, school-based practicum coordinators, and those taking on other mentoring roles.

The program consists of five flexible learning modules:

  • effective partnerships
  • practice analysis
  • making judgements
  • unpacking the Graduate Standards
  • Teaching Performance Assessment

Key features of the program:

  • access high-quality, interactive, evidence-based content developed by experts
  • study online according to your areas of interest and need
  • access content through inquiry questions, multimedia resources and templates.

The Supervising Preservice Teacher program was developed in partnership with the New South Wales Institute of Teachers, (now known as NSW Education Standards Authority) and the Queensland College of Teachers and launched in April 2013. The following organisations contributed the online training modules.

If you have any questions about the program please email [email protected].